---Upload files--- Customizer file was not uploaded. Error: Specified file failed upload test. ---Upload files--- Redux file was not uploaded. Error: Specified file failed upload test. ---Upload files--- The import files were successfully uploaded! Initial max execution time = 300 Files info: Site URL = http://www.nexion-laser.com Data file = /home/nexionlaser/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/one_data.xml Widget file = /home/nexionlaser/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/one_widgets.wie Customizer file = not defined! Redux files: not defined! ------ New AJAX call! [WARNING] Failed to import product_type external [WARNING] Failed to import product_type grouped [WARNING] Failed to import product_type simple [WARNING] Failed to import product_type variable ------ New AJAX call! [WARNING] Failed to import product_type external [WARNING] Failed to import product_type grouped [WARNING] Failed to import product_type simple [WARNING] Failed to import product_type variable ---Importing widgets--- spark_sidebar : Sidebar does not exist in theme (moving widget to Inactive) Search - No Title - Widget already exists Recent Posts - No Title - Widget already exists Recent Comments - No Title - Widget already exists Archives - No Title - Widget already exists Categories - No Title - Widget already exists Meta - No Title - Widget already exists Footer Widgets : Text - About us - Widget already exists Navigation Menu - Support Links - Imported Navigation Menu - Important Links - Imported Contact Info - Contact with us - Widget already exists